After your operation

Most upper limb procedures are performed as day case operations. This means that you will go home on the same day as the operation. You will require someone to take you home safely after the operation.

More complex procedures, such as arthroscopic shoulder surgery or joint replacement surgery, may require overnight admission. For the more complex operations you will receive antibiotics whilst in hospital for the first 24 hours, You may also need a post-operative X-ray. You will be seen by a physiotherapist before going home to explain the rehabilitation process to ensure your recovery starts immediately.

We will work closely with your anaesthetist to make sure you are comfortable after the operation and that your pain is controlled. We will organise medication for you to go home with to ensure you remain comfortable.

Our team are available to help you with any issues during business hours, but if you are worried/concerned outside of business hours please see your local doctor or for urgent issues attend your local emergency department.