Before your operation

Depending on the time of your surgery, you will be asked to be present between 7am and 12pm. Our practice nurse will give you a confirmed time closer to the day of the operation.

You need to fast from midnight, the night before your surgery. This means nothing to eat or drink prior to your operation. Some afternoon operations will mean you can have an early light breakfast. We will inform you if this is the case, otherwise please fast from midnight.

Some medications will need to be stopped prior to your operation. If you are on blood pressure tablets please withhold on the morning of surgery. Usually blood thinning medications will need to be stopped one week before surgery (including Plavix, Iscover, Warfarin), but this will need to considered in light of why you are on those medications (e.g. speak to your cardiologist). If you are on the following medications- Jardiance, Forxiga, Xigduo XR, Jarmiamet, Steglatro, Segluromet and Steglujan, you MUST stop 2 days prior to surgery and the day of (3 days total) – it you have not, the surgery may be cancelled at the anaesthetists discretion.

Please also note that any rings you may have on the operated arm should be removed prior to surgery.

Please inform us if you have:

  • Any change in your medical conditions or have a new illness.
  • Any cuts, scrapes or broken skin as this may mean we have to reschedule your operation

Please bring all imaging (XR/ultrasound/CT/MRI scans) with you to the hospital.